3 Blind Spots that Limit Your Success

I would never have agreed that I was playing it safe or small.

I would have pushed back, knowing that I was doing my best. Working hard and being really intentional at work and in life.

Despite the fact that I’ve always taken action, expanded my comfort zone, I can now see and own that I was still playing it safe.

I was standing in my own way, unaware of my own blind spots.


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How to Show Up Powerfully, Everywhere

When I started out on this journey of speaking and leading groups of professional women I would make up stories that left me feeling inadequate.

I assumed that these women were more successful than me because of their titles and positions.

Does this happen to you?

I trusted my content and who I was, but looking back I realized that I kept trying to mold myself into someone I thought they wanted me to be.

I dressed conservatively and muted my delivery out of a fear of being misjudged. I played it safe.

I showed up as a less powerful version of myself.


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Stop Taking It For Granted

By it….I mean our health.

Over the holidays I was hit with a wicked virus and a really bad back.

Today, as I walked out of the doctor’s office I ran into a friend who was there to get some potentially scary results.

It’s these types of reminders, coupled with my intention to do What Matters this year, that prompted me to capture today’s post in a short video.

It’s up to you

Nobody can do it for you.


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How to Do What Matters in 2016

I didn’t set a New Year’s Resolution.

I find them hard to keep.

I set a theme for the year.

WhatMatters.text                           (Here’s a glimpse of some of what matters to me.)

To remind me to make the choices that I can feel proud of moving through the year and towards my goals.

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